Post 16 SEND Provision

Our Post 16 SEND provision is for people who receive EHCP’s (Education, Health and Care plans) and /or currently receive personal budgets, such as those with learning disabilities, autism or individuals who require specialist support.

Our services enable people to access the therapeutic benefits that the outdoor environment and working with animals, plants and nature has to offer with experienced and caring staff. We provide the opportunity to experience meaningful activities, including gaining qualifications to enter the world of employment or volunteering if desired, and gain valuable life skills for independent living, enriching lives to enable people of all abilities to reach their full potential.

We offer an individualised, tailored experience in a respectful and caring environment focused on personal growth. Everyone who comes to Growing Together has involvement in all projects and activities, in line with their abilities, but in a way which ensures all people are working together in a manner which is challenging and provides personal growth and a sense of pride.